August 23, 2010

Ready for an Adventure?

Yeehaw! Walter and Wen are ready to make their way across Washington State! If you are a family enrolled in the Washington Virtual Academy, and you would like Walter or Wen to visit you this year, please send your home address to Mrs. Sol via k-mail before September 30th.

All of the addresses will be compiled into two lists, one for Walter and one for Wen. Yes, they will be traveling separately to cover more ground and visit more families. Your guest will arrive in your mailbox with a letter and directions. You can take your new friend with you everywhere you go! Walter and Wen love learning about new places, collecting souvenirs and taking pictures.

Walter and Wen's photo at the top of this page is (almost) actual size! They are small, light and easy to mail. Before mailing your buddy to the next family, send Mrs. Sol a k-mail journal of your visit with Walter or Wen and she will post it here along with any photos you would like to share. Then check back to see where the travelers go next!

Who knows, maybe next year Walter and Wen will be WORLD wanderers!

More info coming your way when school starts on September 7th!


  1. Can't find your email in the kmail directory. We are with WAVA-Omak. Could that be why?

  2. You can e-mail me at Thanks Melissa!

  3. i like the mark up on the side (the one for mailing) lol!
